Friday, October 4, 2013


Today's assignment dictates that I write a critique of some sort over an opinionated article. This being the case, and in light of the recent government shutdown over Obamacare, it seems I have no choice but to weigh in on the issue. After extensive searching, I have finally found an article to evaluate. This little bit about government control by John Hayward seems to be heavily rooted in the belief that Barack Obama will only use this healthcare system to exhibit control over the 99%.

Found on, a right wing Republican haven for fear mongering under the guise of political information, this article attacks the President's policies over healthcare and claims that the imposition of these new policies will only lead to the destruction of our freedoms and our new emperor's complete control. It seems that the author's intended audience is anyone who is afraid of the impending police state set to terrorize the streets of this “great” nation. He is urging “independent” citizens to join in the fight against the coming terror of universal healthcare. This is an attempt like many others to grab those who are on the fence.

John Hayward is a political writer who focuses on the agenda for the Republican party. According to his bio, he started out as a frequent commenter on other political topics until he decided to make a career of it. As far as credibility is concerned, I assume it to be right up there with any other nameless internet blogger. I don't know the man personally, but he seems to put out a lot of content and has a decent conservative, Fox News type list of endorsements, such as fellow right-wing-nut Rush Limbaugh. I would definitely take what he says with a grain of salt.

Throughout this article, Mr. Hayward makes his argument against Obamacare by claiming that this will only lead to more government control. It is stated that in the future, spending cuts taken from teachers, police and firemen, will instead come from the healthcare budget. This will be enforced by higher taxes on lower and middle class people already struggling to make it by with exorbitant premiums. A tax on those refusing healthcare is also brought up in point of demonizing this new aid. Many issues are addressed in order to gain momentum against this law.

Since the author has chosen to use no real evidence or provide any external links to these claims, the reader must make the choice to research or buy in. Sadly, most will just agree and look no further. I on the other hand happen to be a critical thinker and have decided to check at least two other sources. According to, the suggested taxes will only be 1% annual taxable income for anyone choosing not to participate. There is an option to decline coverage, based on low income or even religious preference that will not incur the tax. Most of the revenue is reportedly set to come from taxing medical practitioners and institutions, as well as medicine manufacturers and even tanning salons. All in all it doesn't sound too bad.

I myself will not be participating in Obamacare. I don't go to the hospital for anything, and if I die then it's just my time. I also plan on not paying the tax. This doesn't mean I think it is a bad idea. The medical field in this country has turned into one of the biggest profiteering ventures anyone has ever had the capability of taking on. I think that it is time for doctors and hospitals alike to start giving back what they have been taking for so long. Don't take my word for it, do the research and judge for yourself.