Thursday, September 19, 2013

Government Shutdown! Oh no!

Hello readers! I wish that I were writing to you under better circumstances, but our nation is apparently on the verge of destruction! Just kidding about that, but we really might be shutting down soon. Wait! What? Why you ask? Well I'm not sure exactly, but this article can tell you more about it. Bazinga!
CNN reports that the government might shut down soon due to budget issues. The Republicans in the House keep trying to cut down Obama-care for the new budget, and the Democrat controlled Senate won't let it pass. Will the GoP get their way? Probably not, but we will see.
If you're like me then your education is dependent on government funding. If the government decides to stop paying, I will no longer be able to afford college and forced back into the workplace. I know I am not the only one who would be screwed, we would see many new faces on street corners, begging for money to buy a burger. Read the article and find out for yourself just what shennannigans are going down on Capitol Hill.

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